AGM Minutes – 16th April 2018

Friends of Bennerley Viaduct.
Annual General Meeting. 16th April 2018. The Gate Awsworth.1. Attendance.
25 members attended the meeting.
2. Apologies.
Apologies were received from Judy Berry, Annette Dickson, Karl Barrow, Alan Perkins, Ian Potter, Karen Newton, David Rose, Paul Miller
3. Minutes.
The minutes were accepted as a true record.
4. Matters Arising.
There were no matters arising.
5. Treasurers Report / Membership Secretaries Report.
We have 144 paid up members, the majority are in the 45 to 64 and 65+ age groups. Later in the year we should be able to enrol new members online. Only basic information is held by the FoBV.
There was some debate about the membership fees and renewal periods.
Accounts until 31st March – 1st complete year.
Balance in bank £2566.
It was agreed that depreciation of 25% per annum would be applied to equipment owned by the FoBV.
The FoBV have received £4293 in grants mainly from local authorities. We have also received donations in kind from “The Gate” and the “Dewdrop” and assistance from Tomlinson Derby.
The accounts are to be audited in the near future.
It was proposed and seconded that we accept the treasurers report.

6. Chairmans Report.
See attached.
7. Election of Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and Committee.
It was proposed, and seconded, that as there were no other candidates for the available positions, the vote should be en-bloc. This proposal was accepted and the following people were elected:-
Chairman – Jeff Wynch
Treasurer – Stephen Draycott
Secretary – Philip Robinson
Committee members, Ian Potter, Tina Corden, Paul Miller
8. Resolutions.
a) The resolution was put forward by Jeff Wynch that the constitution should be changed to reflect the change in our relationship with Sustrans.
There was some discussion on this motion and in particular on the phrase “accessible to all”, after a vote it was agreed to leave it as it was.
This change to the constitution was proposed, seconded and carried unanimously.

b. The resolution was put forward by Kieran Lee that we should demand that a 10 year plan was set out by Sustrans to facilitate the restoration of the viaduct incrementally. Bill Thompson took this opportunity to explain what his role is and what he had done so far. Kieran explained that his fear was that the important local organisations had been excluded from the decision making. Jeff expressed his fear that foot dragging was an issue and quoted the matter of the joint press release with RPL which we now discover has to be passed by Sustrans. Jeff summarised the points and suggested the following modified resolution:-
“That a) the FoBV urge RPL to widen the partnership to include other organisations such as local authorities, statutory bodies and Harworth Estates, and b) that the partnership develops and makes public a ten year strategic plan for the viaduct.”

This motion was proposed, seconded and passed unanimously.
9. Date of next meeting.
The next general meeting is on 18th June 2018



